Patrick Day

Finding the Safest Place on Earth – available late January 2024!  

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024

I started writing FINDING THE SAFEST PLACE ON EARTH in January 2023 and have spent more time working on it than any of my previous eight books – about 1,000 hours over the past year. I was blessed with two people who read through early manuscripts and offered valuable insights and suggestions of how to make this the best book I’ve written since my first published work in 2012.

As I look over a physical copy of the book, I am encouraged by the words a person in the publishing business told me.

“Hey Pat, I’ve finished my reading of this edition. It truly is brilliant. It is better than I had hoped for.”

This person had read my second draft thoroughly and had given me suggestions that caused me to do a major rewrite. A second person also read an early draft with an eagle’s eye and made many suggestions about the development of Jack and Manny. With their input, I feel this book will help people understand the troubling world of addictions in a dramatic real-life way.

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