Patrick Day


Tuesday, March 5th, 2024

The apostles said they would not deny Jesus, but they did. In this verse Jesus says, “This very night you will all fall away on account of Me.”

We deny Him when we disobey His commands, sin against Him, go our own way instead of His way, focus with intensity on anything more than on Jesus (I’m talking about money, jobs, worldly status, politics, sex, video games, friendships, wanting people to think well of us, anger … the list goes on and on).

The apostles weren’t prepared for what would happen later that night. Jack wasn’t prepared at the retirement party in London. He thought he had everything under control until something simple happened that he wasn’t prepared for.


How about you? Are you prepared for the unforeseen? Are you so close to Jesus that nothing can throw you off stride. The chapter entitled Oops, starting on page 164 in FINDING THE SAFEST PLACE ON EARTH, tells the story of Jack that fateful night. But it’s not just something that happened to Jack. It could happen to any of us at any time.

If you’re interested in the story, here’s a link for you to purchase the book:

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