Patrick Day


Tuesday, October 27th, 2020

When I look outside-in, it’s all about me. How does the world affect me? How does what happens with this event, situation, or happening affect me? If this person acts in this or that way, is it good or bad for me?  Does anyone’s death diminish me?  

When I look inside-out, it’s all about God’s kingdom here on earth.  How do I affect the world? How does this event, situation, or happening fit into God’s will? What can I do to advance God’s kingdom with this person or that person? How can I bring glimmers of light into this dark world? Everyone’s death diminishes me.

Jesus is the model for inside-out thinking and action. The Apostle Paul, Oswald Chambers, Mother Theresa, and Billy Graham were not far behind.

No matter what else I can do for others, I can always pray for them. No matter what happens in this world, I can always pray that God’s will be done in all matters great and small. Sometimes that means asking God to raise up a godly man or woman to advance His cause, as He did with King David, Ruth, John the Baptist, and the Virgin Mary. We need a great revival in this land. I pray He sends one of His chosen to bring it about. 

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