Patrick Day


Tuesday, October 12th, 2021

A proud person acts and thinks on his/her own. When you take off the wrappings, pride is simply independence from God. Proud people make decisions based on their own reasoning, skills, and abilities.

A humble person depends wholly on the Lord for everything in every circumstance. Humble people know the Lord has to direct them, empower them, and enliven them – and that they are like a ship without a rudder on their own.

A proud person who is vaccinated says, “I’ll take care of myself. I don’t need God.” A proud person who is unvaccinated says, “No one is going to tell me what to do. If God Himself told me to get vaccinated, I still might not do it because it would go against the beliefs of the people I associate with.”

Humble people read Scripture daily and pray for guidance, keeping an open mind to the leading of the Holy Spirit. They would not say, “I’ll figure it out on my own.” Instead, they would say, “There’s too much confusion out there for me to make an informed decision. I will go to God’s Word and be in communion with Him. I will not make one decision or the other and then claim He supports that decision. I will be so dependent on Him and so close to Him that He’ll make the decision for me.”

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