Patrick Day


Tuesday, June 29th, 2021

“How do you see God, Brian?” I asked one of the men I mentor who is a new Christian.

“He’s the Guy upstairs who I follow. He’s the one who created the world and me. He’s the one who died for my sins. I don’t know if I’m answering it the way you want. Why don’t you tell me why you’re asking me that question and maybe I can give a better answer.”

Indeed, why did I ask him that question? Here’s my response. “How you see God, Brian, determines how you see His involvement in His world and your life. Do you see His hand behind everything? Do you live in the truth of Jesus Christ? Do you follow Him and listen to Him and act as if He were there all the time?”

Brian looked at me with a question mark on his face. “That’s why you’re working with me, Pat. Teach me who God is.”

That’s the invite I was waiting for. “Let’s start with Genesis, Brian. We’ll begin with the first three chapters and then move on to Noah and Abraham. That will tell you a lot about God. Then we’ll shift to the gospel of John and that will teach you why Jesus came, how He interacts with us, and what He wants from us.”

“I’m ready,” said Brian. “Lay it on me.”

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